Grigory Ryzhakov – Russian Writer


Literature as a medicine for our stagnation

Books on the power-line by Katja Ullrich (Own work) [CC BY 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

One may ask why reading as a past-time is still essential now.

As a society, we don’t question the importance of reading as a tool of personal development, of building a view of the world and understanding of science, culture and ethics.… Read the rest

Why Do YOU Read and I Write?

Time for a silly blog post (actually, it’s an experiment to test if I’m capable of writing just about anything).

You most certainly have Internet since you are here, maybe you also have a gigantic flat screen television, you can shoot pigs with Angry Birds on your phone and spread gossip on Facebook, flip through newspapers on iPad and watch a 3D zombie blockbuster splashing your popcorn all over.… Read the rest