As a society, we don’t question the importance of reading as a tool of personal development, of building a view of the world and understanding of science, culture and ethics.… Read the rest
Ambiguity and Clarity. Why Some Books Are Hard to Get Through
I admire clear succinct prose, like Hemingway’s. And I also like beautiful style of Oscar Wilde, where every word matters even though the language is poetic and can be quite elaborate at times. Both writers couldn’t be more different but one thing they have in common is clarity.… Read the rest
FAQ or a Quick Guide on How To Be Awesome (Writer) For Newbies
Friends and new acquaintances often ask me questions like – why do I write, how does one write a novel, where to start, how does one publish a book… Instead of rambling for hours in attempt to answer these I normally re-direct them to specific best books in the business covering these questions (I’ll mention them below). … Read the rest
PoSt Valentine’s: Top 13 Timeless Russian Love Stories
Today’s post is all about famous Russian love stories. Some of them are straighforward romance, others are psychological or political thrillers. But in the end, all of them are about love.
To download the book in epub or mobi format, just click on the thumbnail.… Read the rest
Capital W in “Writer” comes from Heritage
Every day we are bombarded by information on social media about new fiction; top lists almost exclusively contain recent books. As much as we need to be in the zeitgeist of the literary world as writers and readers, we need to remember about our bases and origins.… Read the rest
Why Do YOU Read and I Write?
Time for a silly blog post (actually, it’s an experiment to test if I’m capable of writing just about anything).
You most certainly have Internet since you are here, maybe you also have a gigantic flat screen television, you can shoot pigs with Angry Birds on your phone and spread gossip on Facebook, flip through newspapers on iPad and watch a 3D zombie blockbuster splashing your popcorn all over.… Read the rest