Luke is a motorcycle stunt rider who tries to be a good father. But with no jobs on the horizon, he decides to rob banks in order to get some money to support his son. It’s a desperate measure, which results in a tragedy.
Avery is a young policeman, a bit of an idealist, his life changes abruptly when one day he kills a criminal.Many years after, their sons meet each other and get into trouble. Will any of them repeat mistakes of their fathers?
The Place Beyond the Pines is a touching drama focusing on relationships between fathers and sons. Themes of love, guilt, neglect and redemption are explored in here. The characters of Luke and Avery are confidently played by Ryan Gosling and Bradley Cooper, Rose Byrne and Eva Mendes are solid in supporting roles. I liked the slow nuanced storytelling and a poignant ending. I’d love to read books like this. I just wonder how many people would have forgiven and walked away in the end like Luke’s son did? That was a mature act.